Excited to be Here!


Throughout the years of working with beat the streets I have learned valuable information, skills and advice from the mentors, Jessica and Neal. I am beyond grateful to be part of the Beat The Streets Toronto Canada Summer Jobs team once again. BTST is a charity that seeks fun and unique ways to help children and youth further develop their social-emotional, physical literacy and employability skills. From my personal experience, they have done a great job at meeting these goals and expectations. I have been involved with BTST since 2016 when they held evening wrestling practices at my high school. 

Social-emotional skills 

The BTST program has helped me develop my social-emotional skills by…..

  • Always pushing me to reach for the stars

  • Believing in me and helping me believe in myself

  • Helping me form and sustain healthy relationships

  • Creating a safe, fun and healthy environment to be involved with

Physical literacy skills 

The BTST program has helped me develop my physical literacy skills by…. 


November 2019, BTS Harvard University wrestling camp & workshop

  • Providing a wrestling program

  • Creating fun fitness camps and projects

    • Wrestle the north 2018 & 2019

    • Erica Wiebe 2017 wrestling camp

    • Beloglazov wrestling camp 2018

    • Gotham city wrestling trip

Employability skills 

The BTST program has helped me develop my employability skills by….. 

  • Allowing me to work with them in different job positions

    • Fundraising Officer

    • Executive Assistant

  • How to better my resume and my job applications

  • Teaching me effective ways to research

  • Tips and tricks for time management

This year as the executive assistant, I am very excited to learn new skills from Jessica and Neal, be sure to stay tuned as I share what I learn. Thank you Beat the Streets Toronto for providing children and youth with a program to help them better themselves. Lastly, Thank you Canada Summer Jobs for making this opportunity possible.  


What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and why is it important?


The other Social Media Manager